2023 PowerBroker//web User Conference Video

Live action, humor, easter eggs and Oscar worthy acting could only mean one thing… it's the 2023 PowerBroker//web hype video release time.  

This year we upped the stakes and went all in putting ourselves live in the action on stage. Like a pre-show in a Disney attraction, everything goes well until it doesn’t. Staying true to our roots, we kept the raw execution with this year's video. Shooting with an iPhone, trips to our local brokerages and asset companies for b-roll and virtually no costs besides paying our narrator.

Most importantly, this video showcases the hard work the PowerBroker and UX team completed. Planning, designing and developing another year of beneficial additions for our customers. There are so many people behind the scenes that make this software possible. I truly enjoy working with each one of them.

In efforts to prove not all sequels are bad, I present to you… PowerBroker//web-the-sequel. ( Not showing up below? View on YouTube )

Did you miss 2022? Scroll down to see the original.

PowerBroker//web Branding

I had to opportunity to update the branding for a legacy product. The product was going from a traditional install local system to a cloud/browser based system. The addition to “web” was added to the classic naming of the product. The // was added to simulate the web and the new way to use the product. A modern and fresh feel to an old classic.

2022 PowerBroker//web User Conference Video

McLeod Software User Conference 2022 is a wrap. In the month leading up to the UC, our product owner wanted a way to drop the announcement of PowerBroker Web in an unforgettable way. I'm proud of the low budget, raw iPhone shot, serious/ not serious approach to this video that is a true reflection of my daily life with McLeod. Additionally, I’m proud of the end result of 2 years’ worth of hard work with an incredible team to produce this software, which serves our customers in the trucking industry. Written, sequenced, filmed, edited and created fresh branding, I present to you... PowerBroker//web. ( Not showing up below? View on YouTube )

Thank you to Andrew H @grinters's on fiverr for the voice over. Check out his work